Aaditya's Thoughts

Why write online

I was born in a small town in India. The kind where it was hard to cross paths with a programmer or engineer. I am grateful that I got a chance to leave the town and live in various cities my entire life. I could now interact with people from different walks of life. If I had stayed in that town — I would not have learned to code. And I would’ve definitely not gotten into Stanford.

Environment is crucial in the modern world. You cannot build great things without being surrounded by great people. This is why I chose to write online. The internet does not care where you are on this planet. It gives you a chance to connect with others across the world. Writing online is my chance at finding my tribe. Finding the people who share my drive and ambition for technology.

This is the first of the many pieces of writing I’ll be sharing online. I know people will not care in the beginning. I might get zero views. All of that is fine. I just wanna write…